Zapier and Static URLs


Did you know it's also possible to use Lessonspace through our Zapier integration? Read more about setting that up here.

Static URLs

Many integrations will also offer a Static URL option. It's easy enough to use this option with Lessonspace too. We recommend the following process

  1. Generate a Space URL, i.e.
  2. Put that URL as your Static URL, this is the Space where every student will land.
  3. Now you have two options (a) use the same Space for all your students, simply exporting the Lessons ZIP after each lesson or (b) having separate Spaces for each student or lesson that you will simply share with the student once they are in the Space from step 1. You can then easily delete the links in the chat to prevent other students from entering. Soon this will be even one step easier with breakout rooms.

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