How can I work with multiple students?

When having group sessions, it's really easy to manage and work with multiple students at the same time on the Lessonspace. Here are some tips on how you can do it in a Space:

Enable/Disable Leading Mode

When working with more students, Leading Mode is a great tool to manage when you want to have control. Enable Leading Mode if you'd like everyone to focus on the same tab. Disable Leading Mode if you want to allow students to move to different tabs. 

Upload files on a vertical whiteboard

When working with a multi-page document, choose the first upload option, "All in a Single Whiteboard Tab." This uploads the document, such as a PDF, into a vertical whiteboard format. This layout ensures students stay focused on the content while scrolling vertically through the document.

Tip: This upload method will automatically lock the pages, so students won’t be able to delete or resize them. If you need to lock other elements, use the lock (padlock icon) feature.

Rename and duplicate tabs

To make it easy for students to find their tabs, you can rename the tabs. Give a tab a name (the topic, or the student's name for example) and tell the student to go to their tab. (To make sure tabs are not accidentally deleted by students, make sure to click "Disallow tab to be closed") Once you’re satisfied with the content you’ve created, duplicate the tabs so students can work individually on their own copies.

Switch between tabs

When Leading Mode is off, you as the leader/teacher can switch tabs without disturbing the students. You can check their progress and help out, then move to the other student's tab to see how they're doing. 

Follow where your students are

You can check if your students are on the right tabs by checking the colour indicators on the left side of the tabs. Every participant's name has a different colour shown on their video feeds. Their colour is then shown on the tabs where they stand. 

In addition to tracking tabs, you can also follow their viewport. The viewport is a dashed line that shows what part of the whiteboard a student is looking at. You can toggle this feature on or off to monitor their view and follow their activity on the whiteboard.

Zoom to Fit

Help students navigate the whiteboard by using the zoom (%) functions. Instruct them to use the "Zoom to Fit" option to ensure all content fits within their view. Here are more tips on how to navigate the whiteboard.

Use a Document Tab

For certain lesson types, a whiteboard is great, but Lessonspace also offers a Document tab. For lessons that are text- or typing-heavy, opt for the Document tab. If you need to upload PDFs, use a whiteboard instead.

If you have additional tips or creative ways to use Lessonspace, we’d love to hear from you. Feel free to share your ideas with us at

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